eco pens

16 July, 2024

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Pen Options for Green Branding

Hello, my eco-conscious comrades and branding buddies! Today, it's all about the world of eco-friendly pens – because who says you can't scribble your thoughts and save the planet at the same time? So, let’s cut down on emissions, not trees, and explore the groovy green side of the pen universe.

Bamboo-zled by Bamboo Pens: The Green Choice That's Write for You
Bamboo pens are not just writing instruments; they're a statement. A statement that says, "I love trees, but I'd rather hug them than turn them into paperweights." These pens are the answer to the prayers you didn't know you had, making your desk look like a tiny bamboo forest, minus the pandas (unless you're into bamboo pen holders too, which, let's face it, would be adorable).

Why Bamboo? Because it's 'Panda'ful!
Bamboo is the overachiever of the plant kingdom. It's renewable, it's strong, and it's got more uses than duct tape. In the time it takes you to misplace your current pen, bamboo has grown a few inches. It's the plant that keeps on giving, and when it's not busy being made into floors or flutes, it's becoming pens.

Bamboo Pens: More Than Just Wood
When you pick one up, you're not just picking up a writing tool; you're wielding a warrior's sword against deforestation. Each stroke on the paper is a battle cry for sustainability. And the best part? They're naturally antibacterial. That's right, even germs are like, "Nope, we're not messing with bamboo."

The Cork-tastic Pen: Nature's Answer to the Boring Ballpoint

Cork-tastic Pens

Cork pens are the oddballs at the stationery party, and everyone loves an oddball. They're like that friend who can wear a tutu to a black-tie event and still be the most sophisticated person in the room. Cork, the material we've all taken for granted, is here to shake up your writing experience.

Not Just for Wine: Cork's Second Life
Let's toast to cork! Typically, it's seen as wine's loyal sidekick, but now, it's the superhero of the pen world. It's the Clark Kent of materials – unassuming in a wine bottle, but put it in pen form, and it's saving the planet one scribble at a time. Harvested from the bark of the cork oak tree, it doesn't harm the tree at all, which continues to live and grow, making cork as renewable as your monthly Netflix subscription.

The Feel-Good Scribble Stick
When you hold one, it's a whole new tactile experience. It's warm, it's grippy, and it's surprisingly lightweight. Writing with one is as comfortable as wearing your favourite pair of slippers to work. It’s the pen that prompts the question, "Can I touch it?" from everyone around you.

Durability Meets Sustainability
Durability? Cork's got it in spades. It might look as delicate as your grandma's china, but it's as tough as a week-old loaf of bread. They won't crack under pressure; they're resilient, long-lasting, and can handle your daily existential dread-filled journaling like a champ.

Paper or... Paper: The Mighty Pen That's More Than Just Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction - Image Credit:

Have you ever had a moment where you looked at a tree and thought, "You're going to make a fantastic pen one day"? No? Just me? Well, for those who have a special place in their hearts for all things paper, the paper pen is a dream come true. It's the eco-warrior of the writing world, the knight in shining... well, paper, ready to scribble its way into sustainability.

When Paper Met Pen
Imagine a world where your pen is part of the recycling love story. We've all had a tumultuous relationship with paper – it's been there for our brightest ideas and our midnight cramming sessions. Now, it's back in pen form, ready for another round of your brainstorming sessions or doodling marathons. They are crafted from recycled paper, which is kind of like giving your notes from that 9 am lecture a glamorous second act.

The Feel of the Forest, Sans Squirrels
It feels like a walk through the woods on a crisp autumn day. It's all the rustic charm of a forest cabin, nestled right between your fingers. And the best part? No risk of paper cuts. It's sturdy yet lightweight, and it won't judge you for misspelling 'necessary.'

Eco-Friendly Down to the Last Scribble
Not only does using one make you feel like the captain of the green team, but it's also a nifty way to remind everyone that you're doing your bit for the planet. Every time you pull out your paper pen, it's like you're saying, "Look at me, saving the world one grocery list at a time."

Plant Starch Pens: The Spud-tacular Scribes of Sustainability

Plant Starch Pens

Welcome to the future, where your pen isn't just a pen – it's a plant-based prodigy! Plant starch pens are the latest craze in the eco-friendly stationery buffet, and they're serving up a full course of green goodness. They're not your garden-variety writing instruments; they're more like the sweet potato fries of the pen world – a guilt-free alternative to the classic.

Pass the Corn...Starch
Made from plants like corn and potatoes, these pens are the answer to the prayers of the environmentally conscious and the snack enthusiasts alike. No, you can't eat them – but you can write your heart out knowing that when their time comes, they'll return to the earth quicker than Cinderella at midnight. And let's face it, anything made from corn has got to be a maize-ing, right?

Write, Then Decompose
Ever feel guilty about tossing things away? Well, fret no more. These pens are like those friends who clean up after themselves – they don't stick around for millennia in a landfill. They biodegrade, which is just a fancy way of saying they play nice with nature. It's like they compost themselves, making you the hero in Mother Nature's eyes.

Koala-ty Assured
Just like a koala clings to its beloved eucalyptus tree, these pens cling to their eco-credentials. They’re proof that your brand cares about the planet as passionately as a koala cares about finding the perfect leafy snack. It's branding that says, "We love the earth, and we're not afraid to show it!"

In a world where everything seems disposable, plant starch pens are a breath of fresh air. They’re the pens that say, “I was made from the earth, and to the earth, I shall return.” And while they won't contribute to your five-a-day, they'll definitely add a healthy dose of green to your daily tasks.

From Field to Paper
Imagine a pen that starts its life as a humble cornstalk, waving in the breeze. Fast forward, and it's in your hand, ready to tackle that to-do list. These are the agricultural alchemists, turning crops into clicks (or twists, if that's your style).

Recycled Plastic – The Comeback Kid

Recycled Plastic Pens

Alright, eco-warriors and scribes of sustainability, gather round! Let's chat about the comeback kid of the pen family: the recycled plastic pen. These are not your run-of-the-mill ballpoints; they're the Rocky Balboa of writing instruments, having fought their way back from the brink of the landfill.

Rise of the Recycled: A Tale of Plastic Redemption
They are the underdogs that have had a glow-up. They've gone from being the villain clogging up our oceans to the hero in our pen pots. It's like that movie where the misunderstood character comes back in the sequel as the star. They’ve turned their narrative around, and now they’re writing a new chapter.

Tougher Than a Week-Old Baguette
When we say durable, we're talking about a level of resilience that could rival a cockroach in an apocalypse. These pens are in it for the long haul. They're like the trusty steeds of your office supplies; ready to charge into battle with you against the Monday morning blues.

Your Trash, Their Treasure
Imagine this: your old soft drink bottle gets a fairy godmother moment and transforms into a sleek, shiny pen. It's not just recycling; it's upcycling with flair. These pens don't just tell the time; they tell a story – one where every click is a reminder that you're part of the solution.

Wheat Fibre Pens: The Straw that Broke the Boring Pen Mould


Gather 'round, earth lovers and fans of the written word! Let's talk about the latest trend that's rustling through the pen world like a breeze through a wheat field. Introducing wheat fibre pens, the eco-chic darlings that are turning heads and pages alike. They're the crop's elite, the A-listers of the agrarian accessory world, and they're here to make a statement.

From Field to Desk with Flair
Think about it: wheat straw, the humble by-product of our bread and cereal, is now finding its way into our stationery drawers. It's the ultimate rags-to-riches story, except it's more straw-to-stationery. These pens are living proof that with a little creativity, what was once destined for the compost heap can now live a glamorous second life gracing your desk.

The Smooth Operator of Writing Instruments
When it comes to performance, they glide across the page like they're dancing to their own tune – think Fred Astaire in pen form. They've got grace, they've got style, and they lay down ink like they're spreading butter on fresh sourdough.

Eco-Warrior in a Pen Suit
Here's the kicker: not only are they a dream to write with, but they're also a win for the planet. By using agricultural waste, they're giving a big ol' bear hug to sustainability. It's like they've taken the 'waste not, want not' adage and turned it into a mission statement.

They are like the gardeners of the pen world; they've got a green thumb. They're part of the crop rotation of your office supplies, bringing in a fresh yield of eco-friendliness to your daily toils. And let's be real, it's about time your pen said something about you besides, "I took this from the bank."

Wrapping It Up with a Green Bow
Choosing an eco-friendly pen option for your brand is like choosing the perfect plant for your apartment – it needs to look good, be low-maintenance, and make your friends say, “Wow, you’re so responsible!” Whether you go for bamboo, cork, paper, plant starch, recycled plastic or wheat fibre - any of them will do that little bit in helping the planet.

The Printed Pens Team